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Monday, June 29, 2015

So, today is HLURB day! I went there(beside DENR Calamba) to register my name for me to be legally involved in what we call "Project Selling" to which from my understanding, as a Licensed Real Estate Broker, you need to be registered as mentioned in the following: Application for Registration of NCR-Based Real Estate Brokers and Salesmen. LEGAL BASIS: HLURB under PD 957 as amended, is empowered to register real estate brokers and salesmen dealing in condominium, farmlots, memorial parks and subdivision projects. SCOPE: No real estate broker or salesman shall engage in the business of selling subdivision lots or condominium units unless he has registered himself with the Authority in accordance with the provisions of Sections 11 & 12 of Presidential Decree No. 957 and Sections 13, 14, and 15 of Rule V of Implementing Rules and Regulations as Amended and Other Related Laws and Regulations of the HLURB. I was informed that I can get my "Certificate of Registration" after a week and my ID after.... Hhhhhmmm.. don't know, just follow it up by phone coz' it will come from the main office(QC).. 

今日はHLURBの日です!不動産ブローカーとして、HLURB(Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board)に登録する必要があり。私の理解から、これに「プロジェクトセリング」と呼ぶものに関与することのために私の名前を登録し、(DENRカランバの横に)そこに行きました。! ようするに、ルールは。。 不動産ブローカーやセールスマンはコンドミニアム(マンション)やファームロット(たんぼ?)などを販売する時に、登録が必要!!ですと。。。 (ぼくの日本語はどんどん悪くなっているので、時々練習しないと。。。)ご査収の程、宜しくお願い致します。! 以上